Emily as the Knives

Darren Demaree 

There are too many love poems  
that fry meats 
as a framed measure 

of passion. Why unchoke the nay  
rather the intent to separate life 
from the consumption of life. 

I’m telling you my blood  
can be had without the smell 
of an embedded narrative. 

My love has so many  
sharp mirrors. Her wrists lift  
the hardwood with a tiny flick.  

I am with the backsplash  
as she intended. Admire me  
amidst her mid-century flare. 


Darren Demaree’s poems have appeared or are scheduled to appear in numerous magazines/journals, including Hotel Amerika, Diode, North American Review, New Letters, Diagram, and the Colorado Review. He is the author of seventeen poetry collections, most recently 'clawing at the grounded moon' (August 2022, April Gloaming). Additionally, he is the Editor in Chief of the Best of the Net Anthology and Managing Editor of Ovenbird Poetry. He is currently living and writing in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children. 

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