
Barbara Daniels 

          for Sarah 

You lean toward 
God—tower, column, 
arch, arrow slit, 
cover yourself 

with silver glitter, 
embody the logic 
of forms—transom, 
oculus, apse. I admire 

what’s earthly—
Mysteries darken 
your fingernails. 
I alter my clothes, 

imbue them with 
ornament. Physically 
I can’t resemble you 
but secretly I turn 

into you. The clanging 
blouse you wear, your 
Christmas-tree earrings, 
artist’s tattoos. Like you 

I am animate, flush 
suffusing my shoulders 
and arms. Night and 
stars tangle my hair.


Barbara Daniels’ Talk to the Lioness was published by Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press. Her poetry has appeared in Qwerty, Image Journal, and Rogue Agent and elsewhere. She has received four fellowships from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.

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