This Adam

Daniel Edward Moore

is harder, older, with no time left
                                               for nature versus nurture.

The lone tree standing in the front yard
                           gladly drinks from the chemical straw

lowered into its parched lips,
                                            breaking the laws of bloom.

The grass thinks Godzilla’s returned
                        or Christ convinced his father of clouds

to baptize the ground in tears.
                                         This Adam wears a crown of

leafy purple eyes to Eve’s coronation
                                            who rules the world like a

serpent, tender and wild.


Daniel Edward Moore lives in Washington on Whidbey Island. His poems are forthcoming in The Meadow, The Chiron Review, The American Journal of Poetry, The Bitter Oleander, Plainsongs Magazine, Blue Mountain Review, Drunk Monkeys Magazine and Third Wednesday Journal. He is the author of the chapbook, "Boys" (Duck Lake Books) and a full length collection "Waxing The Dents" (Brick Road Poetry Press)

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