The Land Indoors from the Deck of a Disney Boat

Carol Everett Adams

How many in your party? asks the captain,
brothers and I neck and neck for a window seat.

As we cast off, Mom arranges us, a habit
she can’t kick. Hydroponic lyrics teach us

how to grow food for the masses. Pumpkin seeds
swell with joy into Mickey-shaped molds,

and the squash, seeing this, blossom with song
ahead of schedule, growth unmitigated.

The plants lift skyward and find the ceiling,
its clouds painted to look distant.


Carol Everett Adams writes poems about Disney theme parks, organized religion, UFOs, and other topics. She lives in the Midwestern United States and has a day job in the tech industry. Her poems have been published in California Quarterly, Euphony, The MacGuffin, The New York Quarterly, Owen Wister Review, Quercus Review, Soundings East, and others. You can connect with her at

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