In the grey drizzle of the early morning, construction workers pull on gloves and hardhats, sip coffee and laugh as droplets weave over the plastic ridges before their eyes. Atop sunbaked asphalt children turn their faces to unexpected afternoon wind, welcome relief from the midday swelter. In a garden somewhere, a woman waters her terra cotta pots and dry dirt. 

Mary Oliver wrote, “We shake with joy, we shake with grief. What a time they have, these two housed as they are in the same body.” So many of our issues shake with grief. They give us deep insight into what it means to be vulnerable, to be human. To be connected as we all are with each other. This issue has reminded us that joy can do that too. 

The pieces in this issue are filled with the everyday joys that we too often forget to remember. They are words whispered in a confession booth minutes before midnight; the remaining needles from a pine tree you never wanted to leave; dream terrariums and birdless cages and smallness. This issue has reminded us of the power of joy, of its ability to be relentless. To be healing and connecting and fearless. We hope that it brings you the same strength and connection. We hope that it brings a smile to your face and wrinkle to your eye. 

With joy, 

Hannah Newman & Jesse Ewing-Frable
Sweet Tree Review 


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