
Whitney Rio-Ross 

the baby’s lip curves like geese
winding home, yawns trails 
of pearly syrup / imagine a world 
without fireflies kindling 
mother’s garden / the dog unearths 
turtle eggs every year, has never 
eaten one / even without god
twilight’s golden trees spell 
hallelujah / fawns leap as the corn
sweetens, shrink back to forest edge 
when harvest comes / i am 
trying to lead you where 
the mind shudders, to trace 
my fault lines / i am trying 
to lead you nowhere at all / the stray
freight train bucks revision / still, 
our graveyard cypress craves a name 
carved on her belly / do you remember 
returning christ’s flesh to his plastic jar 
when the candles went out / we will 
leave this house with winter, let spring
glisten with hungry silk

Whitney Rio-Ross is the author of the chapbook Birthmarks (Wipf & Stock) and poetry editor for Fare Forward. Her recent poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Pinch, Whale Road Review, Stone Circle Review, SWING Journal, River Heron Review, and Susurrus. She lives with her family in Nashville, TN.

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