a crow living with regret

V.S. Ramstack

nobody starts with the horses
so i will: smooth & fan-shaped
like me, skating on a bed of
too tilled summery description
dandelions erupting for the
lost violin, the cicadas rising
from the grass & the queen anne’s lace
around the hardened hooves –
should i defend the reused nest?
i brought fallen ribbons to your sill
catapulted my body through
the coarse wind to gather it all


V. S. Ramstack is a Pisces, a selective extrovert, and an avid crier. Besides poetry, she enjoys cats, flowers, and checking out too many books at the library. She received her MFA from Columbia College Chicago. Previous work can be found in Columbia Poetry Review, Night Music Journal, Curator Magazine, Oxidant | Engine, and Posit.


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